D Z Strad Violin Bow - Jas Tubbs - Pernambuco Copy

D Z Strad Violin Bow - Jas Tubbs - Pernambuco Copy

$2,206.00 $2,941.00
James Tubbs (1835-1921) was one of the finest and most prolific bow makers in the history of British violin making. Referred to as "The English Tourte," his work rivals that of the finest French makers and he is said to have made thousands of bows in his lifetime. Initially, Tubbs trained with his father William before starting his own business in the 1850s. He collaborated with William Ebsworth Hill between 1858 and 1870, after which Tubbs settled on his own shop.  Subsequent bows are stamped either " J. Tubbs" or "Jas Tubbs." 
The D Z Strad James Tubbs copy is a replica of the fine work of the British bow master.  Made of high quality Pernambuco, the round stick is evenly balanced, strong, and flexible.  The head of the bow features a metal tip with 2 pin assembly and the grip is made of traditional leather wrapping over silver lapping.  The understated frog is fully silver lined and made with premium Ebony without inlay.  The adjuster is made of a single piece of generous silver.  This elegant Pernambuco violin bow copy is stamped "JAS TUBBS" and is a favorite of soloists, chamber musicians, and orchestral players alike.      

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